
    泉州市 经验: 学历:本科
    职位职责和职位要求(Job Responsibilities & Requirements): 一、Responsibilities职责: 1、Be responsible for teaching; 负责教授英语课程; 2、Be responsible for building up and keeping student files; 负责建立和保管学生档案; 3、Be responsible for guiding the students to learn English in a professional way; 负责对学生进行专业性的学习指导; 4、Be responsible for handling student complaints, collecting the students’ feedback and report it to the educational supervisor; assist in the preparation of teaching materials and equipment 负责处理学生投诉,收集学生的反馈信息,并汇报给教学主管,协助准备教学材料及用具; 5、Assist in organizing all the activities of educational department; 协助举办教学部各项活动; 6、Be responsible for teaching management in the lab area and being on duty to help the students with their study 负责语音实验室教学管理及值班,解答学生在实验室上课时出现的问题。 二、Requirements要求: 1、Obtain the certificate of CET 6 or above, fluent spoken English; applicants with English teaching experience are preferred; CET6 以上,口语流利发音标准,有英语教学经验者优先 2、Fluent spoken English, standard pronunciation; applicants with teaching experience are preferred. 口语流利,发音标准,有教学经验者优先; 3、Be proficient in office software; have a strong sense of responsibility; be a good team player. 熟练操作OFFICE办公软件,具有责任心和团队意识; 4、Have consciousness of good service and master good ability of communication, organization and management. 具有服务意识,良好的沟通、组织和管理能力; 5、Applicants with abroad studying experience are preferred. 有留学经验者优先 三、We Offer我们提供: Highly competitive salary有竞争力的底薪 Full social welfare and complimentary medical insurance完备的社会保险及补充商业保险 Highly professional training for the position完善的培训机制 Free KINGS English training course 免费白金汉英语培训 Paid annual vacation and award trips带薪年假及旅游



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